Hear2Help Hearing Aid Clinic
The monthly community clinic provides hearing aid maintenance and support for people with NHS hearing aids.
‘Hear2Help‘ offers “trouble-shooting maintenance for your hearing aids, including batteries, re-tubing and cleaning.” The clinic can also provide advice and support about managing hearing loss for you or someone else.
The clinics are free. But they’re run by a small charity ‘Hear2Help’ along with the registered charity ‘Hear Together’ and rely on donations, so please make a voluntary contribution if you can – £5 is suggested.
Walk-in sessions are held at St Peter’s Rooms between 10am and 11am, usually on the first Thursday of the month in the Committee Room.
Please check the Ruddington clinic calendar at the Hear Together website >>HERE<< before you attend.
Disclaimer: RUDDINGTON.info publishes all diary events in good faith and can’t be held responsible for any changes or cancellations of the activity. We run our calendar as a community service, and details were correct at the time we listed them. However you’re advised to contact the organiser to check before attending. Thank you.